Lime Green Endler with long sword

N Class Lime Green Endler with Extra Long Sword

Lime Green Endlers

Lime Green Endlers are an absolutely stunning Endler strain with more metallic green color than most pure N Class Endlers.

Ideally Lime Green Endlers have a large portion of their body covered in the green color.  This bright green coloration is what first caught the attention of John Endler.

The green coloration is accented by black and red areas making the green coloration stand out.

Another unique coloration found in Lime Green Endlers is the white or light blue dorsal fin.

Variations and Mutations

As with other species nature creates mutations or variations in Endler strains from time to time.

Because Endlers produce so many offspring so quickly finding Endlers with unique variations are relatively common.

Two common variations are those involving coloration and fin size.

Extra Long Sword on N Class Endlers

Orchid Endlers with extra long swords
Orchid Endlers with extra long swords

We have produced Endlers in the past with an Extra long sword.  For quite some time we worked to produce an Orchid Endler with an extra long sword.

At the time we didn’t have enough space to produce a line with an extra ling sword.  We did however work on it for a few months producing some beautiful males with an extra long sword.

N Class Orchid Endler
N Class Orchid Endler with very long sword

Extra long sword on Lime Green Endlers

The extra long sword develops over a period of several months. 

From time to time we select extraordinary males that meet specific requirements to be chosen for our breeding stock.

Fortunately the latest male selected for breeding stock also produced this extra long sword.

The extra long sword in N Class Endlers is different than those found in hybrid Endlers.  The sword is very thin and delicate in N Class Endlers.

If the sword on this unique Lime Green Endler develops in the same way our long sword Orchid Endlers did the sword will continue to grow throughout the life of the male Endler.  The sword will eventually grow so long that it breaks off and then it will continue to grow long and beautiful again.

Lime Green Endler with long sword
Lime Green Endler with long sword

This is a unique Lime Green Endler

One of the criteria we use for all of our N Class breeding stock is that the sword be longer than the clear portion of the caudal fin.

While we strive to have a longer than average sword on the majority of the males we produce, these extra long swords are not common and are not available to sale at this time.

We work to produce males with longer than average swords however not all of the offspring we produce have swords that extend past the clear portion of the caudal fin and certainly not as long as this unique male.

This is part of what makes breeding Endlers fun and exciting.  Each breeder has the opportunity to cultivate their N Class Endler strain to be slightly different than anyone else’s Endlers.

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