The main purpose of our website is to share information about the fishkeeping hobby we enjoy so much. Many of our articles have been moved to other websites in order to make them more accessible to those outside the fishkeeping community.
General Fish Care

Aquarium Care and Setup
Aquarium Plants

General Endler Information
- What are Endlers?
- Is the Endlers Livebearer Really a Guppy?
- How Big Do Endlers Get?
- All About The Endlers We Keep
- Classifications of Endlers Livebearers
- The Mysteries Surrounding the Endler Classification System (ECS)
- Philippe Voisin’s Tremendous Contributions to the Endler Community
- Campoma & Cumana Region Endlers Discovered Since 2007
- Endlers Livebearers: Endangered or Extinct?
- Endlers Livebearers: Keeping Only One Sex
Endler Care
- Endlers Livebearer Care
- Stable & Natural Water Conditions Can Help Produce Healthy Endlers
- Feeding Your Endlers for Color & Health
- What’s The Best Food For Endlers?
- Preventing Illness in Endlers Livebearers
- Ich on Endlers
Guppy/Endler Hybrids
- Is There Such A Thing As Endler Hybrids?
- The Confusion Between Pure Endlers, Hybrid Endlers, and Guppies
- Are Hybrid Endlers Healthier than Fancy Guppies?
- Guppy, Endler, Hybrid; What is it?